Friday, July 13, 2007


I do not have any photos to upload just yet but will try that soon. It is one thing I do want to learn about since I plan to get into photography - strictly for my own enjoyment. So I will try to do it. I did not quite "get" the mashups. But I am sure if I play with it awhile I will at least understand it somewhat. Best stop "playing" now.


Susan G. said...

Hey, never stop playing!

A good way to get pictures onto your computer (if you don't have a digital camera of your own) is to just download some from the web. Do a Google "Images" search on a topic you like, for example, on "Snoopy" and you will get millions of different pictures of Snoopy. You can then download some into a file on your computer and then play around with the image using mashups, image generators, etc.

Keep up the good work on your blog!

kdf_333 said...

hey this most be Bernie! i knew if i kept reading i would figure it out. i too want to learn how to use photo sites for my own enjoyment. i just don't have high speed at home and i forget when i am at the library. oh so many things to learn so little time.

kdf_333 said...

ah... there shall be no more posts i guess from this site. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, B!!!!!!!!!!!